Creative automation and AI

AI generated image
We are continually and learning to integrate the latest developments in automation and artificial intelligence in our creative work. This has significantly boosted our efficiency and automated various aspects of design work, from creating limitless images, reducing the production time of assets in an 80% and reducing cost.

At Miravia, I am leading the AI creative library where I gather usefull Midjourney prompts to be used in our communications. Moreover, we’re generating AI-based heat maps that educate us on the effectiveness of our communications and guide us on optimizing our impact for the end-users.

My contribution to the project:

Project leader AI visual designer Trend & Tools research User journey design

Libray of images I have created using 
Midjourney for fashion, home and beauty campaings:

Summer Sales: automating design for sucess

During Miravia’s crucial mega campaign Summer Sales, which mark one of the sales peak of the year, I led the design of a high volume of assets that fed layouts in APP and also marketing ads. Leveraging automation layouts in Figma, I crafted flexible templates to shape the campaign according to business needs.

Collaborating with our production agency, we developed vibrant imagery for our five product clusters and infused a summery aesthetic across various touchpoints in the user journey.

Summer Sales user journey:

Summer Sales affiliation banners desined with automated layers in Figma:

Images produced at the studio for the campaign and props added in AI: